Butts of Bawtry have come up with a fantastic gift for anyone who’s looking to purchase a new wheel alignment machine in 2020.
We have stepped up yet another level to offer to offer TEq-Link completely free of charge on all new machines purchased in 2020! This is a management program that allows you to oversee your aligners usage.
For example, fitter A takes on average an hour to do an alignment, but fitter B takes on average 12 minutes, this has highlighted a possible training issue.
You can compare each sites performance for instance, how many alignments are done a day. You can re-print before and after readings from head office as well as send e-mail alignment results directly to customers saving on ink & paper.
TEq-Link Can be fitted to a range of Ravaglioli products such as Tyre profiler, Brake Tester and even Lifts.
Call Butts of Bawtry for your free UK wide demonstration on 01302 712668